My name is Ravi Hudson. I am a visually impaired student at Kennesaw State University where I am majoring in English. I was born in Eatonton, Georgia. When I was three, I started learning to read and write in braille. By the time I was six, I’d discovered my love for books. In fifth grade, I decided to try my hand at writing my own stories. After finishing my first story, I showed it to my teacher and she allowed me to print it out and bind it. She also read it aloud to the class.

Sharing my stories with other people and the feeling of holding my own book inspired me to keep writing. Writing became a way for me to express my thoughts and feelings, while also giving me a creative outlet. By the time I graduated high school, I’d decided I wanted a career in writing. Now, currently in my third year of college, my love for writing has only grown. I am currently an intern for one of Kennesaw State’s student magazines called The Broadside. I hope to use my creativity and adaptability to become a published author of children’s and young adult literature.

One of my major goals for writing is to bring more disability representation to the writing community. I also want to increase the representation of young people with disabilities in literature. I hope by representing people who have disabilities such as myself, I can  motivate them to overcome their challenges and pursue their goals.
